

Founded in 2009 Music Box are one of the longest established and most loved musical improv companies on the London comedy circuit. Music Box make up a different one act comedy musical every show based on the suggestions of a ‘title’ and a ‘location’ from the audience .


Songs and lyrics are plucked from thin air. Stories and characters are created on the spot. Past musicals have taken place inside a Wetherspoons, the Orient Express, The Depths of Hell, a World War II bunker and on board the Death Star. They have been perfoming long form improvised comedy across the globe since 2010 including sell out runs at the Edinburgh Fringe.


  • Honestly. I laughed till I felt sick. Been ill ever since!

    Maximilian Louis Maclean Avatar Maximilian Louis

    Funny, witty and seamless improv collaboration, and unexpected great singing voices. Highly recommeded!

    Cindy Ong Avatar Cindy Ong

    These guys were amazing, hilarious, clearly having tons of fun and all round a brilliant show. Even made a mid-set power cut work entirely... Thank you!

    Naomi Honey Avatar Naomi Honey
  • Incredible first experience with improv, and they made me enjoy it so much!

    Massimo Dattoma Avatar Massimo Dattoma

    Highly recommend! These guys are absolutely brilliant and hilarious, adding a little something different to a night out!

    Tasha Hutt Avatar Tasha Hutt

    Bloody brilliant night out. Laughed from start to finish and it was ace to do something a bit different for a change. Massively recommended! �

    Maria Goodwin Avatar Maria Goodwin
  • Who doesn't love a good, hearty tale of love, tears and raging Scottish stereotypes in a recycling 'loft'? I certainly do! And you should too! It is my (dubious) medical opinion that you should book to see Music Box as soon as humanly possibly to rectify all major ailments*. Cannot wait to see them again! *Joe Lowe and Associates cannot accept responsibility for injury or death caused by not seeking actual medical attention.

    Joe Löwe Avatar Joe Löwe

    Fab musical show ! Can anyone tell me what the name of the woman who is in music box please? She has short hair and can sing operatically. - that's about as much as I have to go on! I don't wanna chat her up, I've co-written a musical and she fits the profile of one of the characters. Thanks.

    Michael Somerville Avatar Michael Somerville

    I was over on holiday from Waterford and enjoyed Bargains the Aldi musical especially the floaty love chair scene. As a teacher and performer i love the musical improv genre and its at the top of my list, as such my expectations were high and thankfully were far exceded. If you get chance to study with these guys i'm sure you would not be disapointed

    Chris Wilmers Avatar Chris Wilmers
  • They were fantastic! Even though I knew it was improv but it was so hard to believe that they didn't work the show out before hand!

    Yousef Rifai Avatar Yousef Rifai

    positive review  Do you like improv? Do you like musicals? Then go see MusicBox. It is the best half-hour show you could see that has it all: comedy, great story, brilliant acting and an amazing cast of improvisers!

    Andrei Nita Avatar Andrei Nita

    Energetic, funny and yet still capable of crafting satisfying narratives and musical numbers out of nowhere! Very much recommended for a good night out!

    Edmund Fargher Avatar Edmund Fargher
  • positive review  These guys are bonkers. saw them last night - they had me in stitches. They made a full blown musical on the spot about the famous Tetris man featuring video game characters and professor Snape. Excellent singing and dancing and some sick handshake routines. Can't wait to see them again!

    Prathap Chandran Avatar Prathap Chandran

    Saw this amazing group perform pineapple juice the musical last night at Hoopla. I laughed so much it still hurts. I loved Einstein's story and the three year old librarian . Highly recommend, I'm already planning my next music box fix .

    Manisha Patel Avatar Manisha Patel



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